【博客來曬書節2016】Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 【博客來專業教科書考試用書】
2016-07-09 10:57
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation這本在博客來的排行榜上,一直都被很多讀者大推
這本Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation的大綱與作者
非常推薦Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation給大家
”Researchers in oriental music have waited many years for a study such as this one produced by a scholar such as Dr. Pian. ...For the general researcher in oriental music the organization and detail of Dr. Pian\’s first chapter are of the greatest value. ...[and] will be a standard reference for years to come. ...All in all here is an impressive example of thorough scholarship....”─Professor William P. Malm, The University of Michigan, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 28 (1968)”...It is the first work to deal in detail and reliably with the sources, modes and forms of notation of Chinese music and the first to transcribe together all existing Sung music into staff notation.... Nowhere have Chinese forms of notation been so thoroughly examined in a Western language....”─Professor Colin Mackerras, The Australian National University, Canberra, Monumenta Serica (or Journal of Oriental Studies), Vol. 27 (1968)This book is a standard reference on Sonq dynasty music, and a model of meticulous scholarship. In the book Professor Pian surveys the theoretical and practical treatises on music, the historical and encyclopedic compilations, the song collections, and various other related materials. She comments on available editions of the musical works themselves, the origin of each piece, and its value for scholarly research. She also explains in detail the intricacies of the Sonq dynasty modal system and forms of notation, an understanding of which is essential for reading Sonq music.Originally published in 1967, this title is now reprinted with a new foreword and an introductory essay.作者簡介Although born in Cambridge and eventually educated at Radcliffe College, Professor Rulan Chao Pian spent much of her childhood and part of her high school years in China. This enabled her, with some training, to undertake a Chinese language teaching position, while studying Musicology in the Music Department at Harvard-Radcliffe. Her interest in the musical culture of China had thus led to the exploration of Chinese musical sources, hence her study of the Sonq dynasty musical sources as her doctoral dissertation. Next she went further into the investigation of broader musical fields such as the Chinese dramatic and narrative music, for which she did much field work and published numerous articles. In 1974 she was appointed Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and of Music at Harvard until her retirement in 1992. In 1990 she was elected a member of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 書評報告
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 書籍大綱
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 閱讀讀書心得
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 評比推薦報告心得
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 內容大鋼目錄大鋼
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 二手書價格
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 作者推薦序
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 閱讀的CP值高嗎
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 問卦爆掛
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Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation這本在博客來的排行榜上,一直都被很多讀者大推
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這本Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation的大綱與作者
非常推薦Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation給大家
”Researchers in oriental music have waited many years for a study such as this one produced by a scholar such as Dr. Pian. ...For the general researcher in oriental music the organization and detail of Dr. Pian\’s first chapter are of the greatest value. ...[and] will be a standard reference for years to come. ...All in all here is an impressive example of thorough scholarship....”─Professor William P. Malm, The University of Michigan, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 28 (1968)”...It is the first work to deal in detail and reliably with the sources, modes and forms of notation of Chinese music and the first to transcribe together all existing Sung music into staff notation.... Nowhere have Chinese forms of notation been so thoroughly examined in a Western language....”─Professor Colin Mackerras, The Australian National University, Canberra, Monumenta Serica (or Journal of Oriental Studies), Vol. 27 (1968)This book is a standard reference on Sonq dynasty music, and a model of meticulous scholarship. In the book Professor Pian surveys the theoretical and practical treatises on music, the historical and encyclopedic compilations, the song collections, and various other related materials. She comments on available editions of the musical works themselves, the origin of each piece, and its value for scholarly research. She also explains in detail the intricacies of the Sonq dynasty modal system and forms of notation, an understanding of which is essential for reading Sonq music.Originally published in 1967, this title is now reprinted with a new foreword and an introductory essay.作者簡介Although born in Cambridge and eventually educated at Radcliffe College, Professor Rulan Chao Pian spent much of her childhood and part of her high school years in China. This enabled her, with some training, to undertake a Chinese language teaching position, while studying Musicology in the Music Department at Harvard-Radcliffe. Her interest in the musical culture of China had thus led to the exploration of Chinese musical sources, hence her study of the Sonq dynasty musical sources as her doctoral dissertation. Next she went further into the investigation of broader musical fields such as the Chinese dramatic and narrative music, for which she did much field work and published numerous articles. In 1974 she was appointed Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and of Music at Harvard until her retirement in 1992. In 1990 she was elected a member of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
作者: Rulan Chao Pian
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港中文大學
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2003/03/25
- 語言:英文
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Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 書評報告
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 書籍大綱
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 閱讀讀書心得
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 評比推薦報告心得
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 內容大鋼目錄大鋼
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 二手書價格
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 作者推薦序
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 閱讀的CP值高嗎
Sonq Dynasty Musical Sources and Their Interpretation 問卦爆掛
許多國人愛用的通訊軟體LINE,今天(6月10日)通過了東京證交所的上市申請,預計7月就能正式掛牌交易,市場分析LINE的市值將高達1800億新台幣。LINE的使用族群,多集中在亞洲國家,未來如何將市場拓展到全球,也成為上市後的一大考驗。看到可愛的熊大和兔兔,是不是又要拿起手機,跟親朋好友LINE一下了呢?手機通訊軟體LINE人氣超夯,從2011年6月發表以來,才5年的時間,就累積了2億1800多萬使用者,一起在線上聊天通話。東京證券交易所,6月10日正式批准LINE的上市申請,最快7月就能掛牌交易,預估LINE的市值將上看6000億日圓,約新台幣1800億元,創下日本今年(2016年)最大規模的股票上市案。市場人士認為,因為LINE的使用者多為年輕世代,未來上市後,將能以它的高知名度活化股票市場。日本民眾:「沒有LINE的話,我會很困擾,超困擾的!」雖然LINE主打免費通訊,但豐富多樣的付費貼圖,也成為公司主要的營運來源之一。日本民眾:「「了解」或「OK」,我都用貼圖傳達。」NHK記者v.s.日本民眾:「你們會用貼圖嗎?當然會用啊!有可愛的動物或是其他有趣的貼圖。」LINE除了在通訊技術奠定基礎,近年來也推出許多新服務,像是LINEPay、LINETV等電子付款,或是線上影音等新服務,但客群成長趨緩也是一大隱憂。NHK記者v.s.日本民眾:「您有想過要用LINE嗎?完全沒有。」日本民眾:「我的工作需要與外國人交流,但不使用LINE的國家也很多,所以我不太使用。」LINE使用者,有6成以上集中在10歲~30歲族群,並以日本、台灣、泰國、印尼等4國為大宗,但美國和歐洲的使用率一直無法有效提升。根據調查,全球通訊軟體的使用人數,以「What's APP」的10億人最多,其次則是臉書的9億,其他像是微信或Skype,都有7億和6億的使用者,LINE僅在全球排名第7。LINE也期待,公司上市後,將能提升品牌的全球知名度,並進一步拓展使用族群。(民視新聞劉品宜綜合報導)
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